Marking Our Silver Anniversary
Click HERE for our photo album.

This year, our Chamber is celebrating 25 years of creating and building connections between the Greater Philadelphia Region and the Isle of Ireland. Our vibrant community of professionals and entrepreneurs shares a passion for the Greater Philadelphia-Ireland business relationship. Our celebration marks a time to pause and reflect on our past and plan for the next 25 years, and beyond!
At our celebration, we are honored to present (posthumously) the inaugural Fáilte Honor to one of our long-time board members and our 2012 Taoiseach Award honoree, Harry McHugh.
Click HERE for an article about Harry and our celebration.

The evening will include a professional photo booth by Isolde Baylor, live music by McGillian & Cohen, a performance by award-winning Irish dancers, the presentation of our Failte Honor, the recognition of our founding board members, and our Destination Ireland Drawing (click HERE for details).
Thank you to our Drawing sponsors, Aer Lingus and Carton House.

Thank you to our generous sponsors!

Thank you to our Ambassador Club Sponsors