Guide to doing business in Pennsylvania
Irish American Partnership Organizations
The Ireland Funds
The Ireland Funds is a global philanthropic network established in 1976 to promote and support peace, culture, education and community development throughout the island of Ireland, and Irish-related causes around the world.
Irish American Partnership
Honoring our heritage. Investing in Ireland’s future.
Chambers of Commerce
American Chamber of Commerce Ireland
Ireland-Canada Chamber of Commerce
Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Irish and Irish American Media/Press
Irish Film and Television Network
Irish Independent News Ireland
Irish Language Television Channel (TG4)
International Press
Travel and Tourism
East Coast and Midlands Tourism
Ireland’s Shannon Region Tourism
Northern Ireland Tourist Board
Banks and Financial Institutions
The Central Bank & Financial Services Authority of Ireland
Property and Realty Organizations
Institute of Professional Auctioneers and Valuers
Job Hunting
Universities and Colleges in Ireland
Atlantic Technological University
Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art and Design & Technology
Dundalk Institute of Technology
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
National University of Ireland – Maynooth
Munster Technological Univeristy
National College of Art and Design
RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences
South East Technological University
Technological University Dublin
Education/Professional Development [US]
BRIC: Access Business Resources Anywhere
Business Resource and Innovation Center (BRIC) at The Free Library of Philadelphia has resources to help support entrepreneurs or established business owners.
Business Degree Series
This site is designed to help students and professionals make smart, informed choices regarding their education. It helps connect learners in your community considering a career path in Business with these resources.
Financial Aid: Business Scholarships
Online Degree Options in Business
Support Groups [US]
All content published on Addiction Group is written by a team of journalists, researchers, doctors, and medical professionals. It is sourced from current scientific research, such as scholarly articles, textbooks, government agencies, and medical journals. Every article is fact-checked by an addiction counseling expert before publication.
Alcohol Rehab Help
Sourced from current scientific research, ensuring content is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date with current research and addiction terminology.
The Breathing Room
For Families Affected By Cancer
Center City Recovery (Philadelphia)
Center City Recovery’s mission is to provide compassionate and evidence based treatment services to those seeking sobriety and recovery from addiction.
Irish Retailers
Blarney Box
The Irish Gift Box
Ireland’s Online Marketplace
Irish Black Butter
Vegan and Vegetarian friendly, free from dairy and wheat
Littus Ireland E-Commerce Diaspora Directory
Find and buy something special online from Irish businesses for your friends and family.
An Post
Irish Postal Service
Citizens Information
Irish citizenship through birth or descent
Consulate General of Ireland, New York
Website of the Consulate General of Ireland in New York
Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment
Department of Finance
The Department of Finance home page gives extensive material on the Irish economy.
Department of Foreign Affairs
The Department of Foreign Affairs page provides information on Ireland’s foreign policy. Material includes key documents on Northern Ireland and Anglo-Irish Relations, Facts about Ireland, reports on the Irish Aid Program, material on Ireland and the European Union.
Donegal County Council
Donegal County Council as the Local Authority for County Donegal (exclusive of four Town Council area) provides an extensive range of services in the County.
Enterprise Ireland
Irish state development agency focused on transforming Irish industry.
Global Irish
Department of Foreign Affairs – Connecting with Irish diaspora around the world.
Houses of the Oireachtas
The National Parliament of Ireland
IDA Ireland
As Ireland’s inward promotion agency, they partner with established companies, both large and small, working with them every step of the way to achieve a smooth, fast and successful set-up of their operations in Ireland.
Intellectual Property Office of Ireland
InterTrade Ireland
The Trade & Business Development Body is one of six cross-border bodies established under the Belfast Agreement.
Invest Northern Ireland
As the regional business development agency, Invest NI’s role is to grow the local economy. We do this by helping new and existing businesses to compete internationally, and by attracting new investment to Northern Ireland.
The Irish Government
The Irish Government’s site contains information from a range of Government Departments.
National Archives of Ireland
Web Site for the Irish National Archives genealogical service
National Library of Ireland
Web site for the National Library of Ireland
The Northern Ireland Executive
This website provides a regularly updated gateway to information about the devolved administration in Northern Ireland.
Ordnance Survey Ireland: National Mapping Agency
Northern Ireland Bureau
The Northern Ireland Bureau is the diplomatic mission of the Northern Ireland Executive in the United States and Canada. We work to cultivate and strengthen links between various political, economic, educational, and cultural interests in Northern Ireland and North America. We also serve as a resource for individuals and organisations looking to learn and understand more about Northern Ireland, and about its relationship with the United States and Canada.
Placenames Database of Ireland, developed by Fiontar (DCU) and The Placenames Branch (Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs).
Údarás na Gaeltachta
Regional Development Agency in Ireland with responsiblity for the economic, social and cultural development of the Gaeltacht regions, ensuring the continuation of the Irish language as the spoken language of the community in these regions.
United States Embassy in Dublin
Website of the American Embassy in Ireland.
Economy and Business
Central Statistics Office Ireland
Web site for information on publications from the Central Statistics Office.
The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
This website provides information on the role and work of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment – a Northern Ireland Government Department. It also provides links to its four agencies, established as non-departmental public bodies (NDPB’s).
eTenders Public Procurement NEW!
The Economic and Social Reseach Institute
The ESRI applies the latest thinking in economics and social science to problems facing Irish society now and in the future. The Institute’s work programme covers economic forecasting and modelling, tax and welfare policy, the labour market, social exclusion, environment/energy, education and health.
The Euro
The top site for information concerning the implementation of the Euro.
Irish Business and Employers Confederation
The Irish Business and Employers Confederation’s site provides a range of information on Irish business and economic issues.
The Irish Economy Blog
Provides information and commentary on the Irish Economy
Irish Economic Association
The Irish Economic Association (IEA) is a national scientific body for economists in Ireland. The objective of the Association is to contribute to the development and application of economics in Ireland. It is a Company Limited by Guarantee.
Ireland’s Executive Management Centre
Irish Venture Capital Association
The IVCA is the representative body of the venture capital industry in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
One of the most comprehensive Irish business search engines. Data includes company contact information, industry sector analyses, product and service information.
Lawlink Ireland
Irish law and legal information networking resource.
Look West
Information access point for people considering a move to the West of Ireland.
Marketing Institute of Ireland
Peninsula Ireland
This is the home of expert advice and opinion. From our quick fire FAQ to our free guides and topical blog posts.
Ronan Lyons
Economic Analysis & Statistics on the Irish Economy, World Economy, and Property Market
Shannon Development
Shannon Development is the government agency responsible for enterprise and tourism development in the Shannon region.
Start Up Ireland
Startup Ireland is the independent, not-for-profit, representative body for Ireland’s startup sector.
Community, Culture, Sport Web Sites
The American Irish Historical Society
The Society aims to record the story of the Irish in America truthfully and impartially
Book of Kells
Digitized by Trinity College Dublin
Commodore John Barry Arts & Cultural Center of Philadelphia
The Commodore John Barry Arts & Cultural Center, also known at the Irish Center, was established in 1958 to promote Irish culture and traditions in the Delaware Valley area.
CIRCLE: A Calendar of Irish Chancery Letters
The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia
Click to read about The Irish and Ireland, by Dr. William Watson
Flight of Earls
Flight of the Earls 2007 is a major international commemoration to mark the 400th Anniversary of one of the most significant events and periods in Irish history.
GAA – Cumann Lúthchleas Gael
The Gaelic Athetic Association’s official website.
Independence Blue Cross Foundation is a global Irish community and social networking website with over 207,000 members. The site is for Irish expats, descendants and any person wishing to travel to Ireland. Here, you will find news and information, community and friendship.
Irish American Baseball
The Irish American Baseball Society (IABS) exists primarily to bring together the community of Irish-American baseball players, coaches, executives, and fans, to have a direct and positive impact on the development of the game in the US and Ireland. Basic membership is free. Members receive a monthly email newsletter, memorabilia giveaways, priority event access, and access to the IABS members-only online store. For more information and to join, please click HERE.
Irish Diaspora Center of Philadelphia
The Irish Diaspora Center (formerly Irish Immigration Center) has been serving the needs of the Irish and Irish-American communities in the Philadelphia region since 1998. They work with the government of Ireland and other Irish organizations throughout the U.S. to act as a voice for Irish Philadelphia on both national and international levels.
Irish Literature, Mythology, Folklore and Drama
Irish Network USA
Irish Network USA is the national umbrella organization integrating the Irish Networks that exist in various cities across the United States. It allows members of the networks to connect with their peers and to develop relationships that will foster success in their business, economic, cultural and sports ventures.
Irish Philadelphia
A web site devoted to Irish and Irish American news from around the Delaware Valley.
Mayo Association of Philadelphia
A non profit Irish American association made up of descendents of County Mayo, Ireland founded in 1905.
Philadelphia Ceili Group
The Philadelphia Ceili Group is a Nonprofit, all-volunteer, educational organization governed by a nine member Board of Directors interested in the support of Irish culture through a variety of activities.
The Philadelphia Donegal Association
The Donegal Beneficial, Social, Charitable and Patriotic Association is an Irish-American organization founded in Philadelphia in 1888.
Royal Irish Academy
The Royal Irish Academy is Ireland’s Academy for the Sciences and Humanities. It is the principal learned society in Ireland and has approximately 353 members.
The Society of The Friendly Sons & Daughters of St. Patrick Philadelphia
Since its inception in Philadelphia in 1771, the Society of The Friendly Sons & Daughters of Saint Patrick has been an active, vibrant organization within the Irish community. Members meet quarterly in the Philadelphia area to conduct Society business, share fellowship and experiences of common heritage.
US-Ireland Alliance
The US-Ireland Alliance is a proactive, non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to consolidating existing relations between the United States and Ireland – North and South – and building that relationship for the future.
About the island of Ireland
Irish Resources/Organizations
Irish American Cultural Institute
The Irish American Cultural Institute is a membership organization dedicated to the promotion and preservation of Irish Culture.