About Us

Non-Partisan Business Networking
The Irish American Business Chamber & Network, Inc. (IABCN) is a nonpartisan business organization promoting the interests of its members and the development of economic and educational relationships between the Greater Philadelphia Region and Island of Ireland.

Growth Opportunities

We provide growth opportunities through a series of networking forums for business executives, helping them to exchange information and ideas on doing business with one another.

VIP Events

These forums are hallmarked by the appearance of top CEOs, government executives and directors who share similar interests and goals. Visit our events gallery to review some of our past events to gain a greater appreciation of the opportunity for networking created by the Irish American Business Chamber.

Establishing the Irish Connection
Irish government officials regularly attend IABCN events. Enhance your business prospects by joining IABCN 
and having the resources of the leading business networks in Ireland and Northern Ireland working in your favor.


Representing large multi-national corporations to newly established businesses, IABCN members are decision makers in their companies. Membership in IABCN provides contact and interaction at the highest levels within a wide variety of businesses in the Greater Philadelphia region and throughout Ireland. It is powerful network of business people who share common business and personal interests, that consistently creates opportunities for business among members. Click HERE to learn more.