Please help support Irish Radio!

“Come West Along the Road” with Marianne MacDonald and the Vincent Gallagher Irish Hour has been on the air for almost 10 years. The shows are live every Sunday from 11:00AM to 1:00PM on WTMR 800 AM. The shows can also be heard on the internet at, or by listening on a smartphone via, or

Please, if you can, support the radio show by making a pledge during the upcoming on-air fundraiser on Sunday, April 12th, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM hosted by Michael Bradley, you will be helping to keep a Philadelphia tradition alive and well! 

For more information, email either Michael Bradley at or to Marianne MacDonald at prior to Sunday.

PHILADELPHIA (February 24, 2015) — The Philadelphia Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute today named Mrs. Donna Crilley Farrell as the 2015 recipient of it’s annual Sourin Award. “Donna’s commitment to her catholic faith is unwavering in both word and deed,” said Phil Earley, President of The Catholic Philopatrian Institute. “She sets an example to many in the Catholic laity that is both impressive and inspiring. We are pleased to honor her with this year’s Sourin Award,” added Early.

To read more, please click HERE.

IABCN Board Member, Sean Flatley, will be performing with his band this St. Patrick’s Day weekend. See below for more details!

FandF 2015