14611715079_60e0ac00a8_kThe Irish Chamber was honored to join the Irish community of Philadelphia in celebrating Vice Consul General of Ireland, Peter Ryan, as he heads off to his new assignment as Consul General in Hong Kong.

During his time in the States, Peter has made Philadelphia a priority and has been a major presence at a variety of Irish events here.

Peter introduced the crowd of more than 100 to his successor, the new Vice Consul, Anna McGillicuddy, a Dublin native (with Kerry roots) whose previous posts were in London and Vienna. 14795261501_b601d4aed2_k

Thank you to the Irish Immigration Center for organizing a great event, and for bringing the Irish community together. Thank you to Denise Foley and IrishPhiladelphia.com for the fantastic photos capturing a wonderful evening.

(left to right: Bill McLaughlin, Founder & Chair of the Irish Chamber; Anna McGuilicuddy, Vice Consul General; Tom McCool, VP of the Irish Chamber; and Kevin Kent, President of the Irish Chamber)

WestLaurelHillThe Duffy’s Cut Project is an ongoing investigation into the lives and deaths of 57 Irish immigrants who died building a stretch of Pennsylvania’s railroad (in Malvern, PA) in 1832.

The first bones were discovered in 2009. So far, nine bodies have been uncovered and reburied in a proper grave.

This summer, the Duffy’s Cut team will begin digging at a new site close to where the first bodies were found, hoping to discover what happened to the remaining 48 victims.

The Irish Community is rallying around this cause. We at the Chamber encourage you to help  uncover the rest of this story and lay the ghosts of Duffy’s Cut to rest.

For more information about the Duffy’s Cut fundraiser on June 15th, please click HERE.