The Race to Net Zero, A Multilateral Global Approach
In lead-up to the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), the British American Business Council of Greater Philadelphia and the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia are presenting a joint climate change discussion between two of the world’s most influential nations about the multilateral global approach race to net zero. Many thanks to the British Chamber for inviting members of the international business community to join this virtual program
Presenters will address the sub-national level of engagement in both the public and private domains; connections between human and environmental health in relation to delivering an equitable and sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic (green recovery); the important role of innovation; and corporate, investor and employee responsibility with respect to competitive advantage and business transition models.
Keynote speakers will answer questions posed by moderator, Christine Knapp, Director, Office of Sustainability, City of Philadelphia, about how the US and the UK are collaborating on the multilateral global approach race to net zero. They will address how the US and the UK are leading the charge within both the public and private sectors, and how entities throughout the globe are collaborating across borders, working with multinational governments in support of climate change.
After the government envoys provide the current, general context for this major global issue, just a few weeks before the world unites in Glasgow, Scotland for COP26, a select group of business leaders from the private sector will be engaged in the conversation. Professionals from various industry sectors will address the important role of innovation, and corporate, investor and employee responsibility with respect to competitive advantage and business transition models. They will also discuss the connections between human and environmental health in relation to delivering an equitable and sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic (green recovery). Philadelphia and the surrounding region will be used as an example of how the public and private sectors are collaborating to make the world a more comfortable habitat for all.
Target audience includes business professionals from small and medium sized companies as well as global multinationals across all sectors; civic leaders based in the region, throughout the US, the UK and the world; students, faculty and staff from universities and colleges; and the general public.
This is a virtual event, and pre-registration is required. A meeting link will be sent to all registrants 24 hours before the program. Tickets are complimentary for Chamber members. Non-members are invited to register for a nominal ticket price.
Presented virtually on Zoom
Pre-registration is required. A zoom link will be shared after your registration is processed.
Contact Alanna Barry McCloskey at abarry@iabcn.org or call/text 215.772.3101