11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Webinar: Managing Through Change with Data Analytics

Managing Through Change with Data Analytics

Change happens whether we like it or not and comes in many unexpected ways. Join Acumen Analytics to learn how getting the right data to the right people at the right time can help create better outcomes – even accelerate them.

11.00 am – 12.00 pm: Keynote presentation; Question & Answer session

Presented virtually – link will be sent upon registration.



Contact Alanna Barry McCloskey at abarry@iabcn.org or call/text 215.772.3101

Webinar Etiquette
We will be recording this webinar. All attendees will be muted upon entry.  We will take questions in the chat as the webinar is in progress and save those for a Q&A at the end.  We will make the recording available after the webinar via a download link from our website.
– Test your VIDEO and AUDIO prior to the meeting to make sure everything is working properly. Once the meeting is underway it will be impossible for us to troubleshoot.
– Make sure that you are facing the camera and do not have it facing the side of your face.
– Make sure to mute your line if you are not asking questions.
– Treat this like an “in-person” meeting and make sure you are distraction free.
– Be aware that in a video conference the camera is always on. So if you are distracted, it may be disruptive to others.