Penn Mutual Makes Capital For Women Founders A Pillar Of Transformation

I spoke to Eileen McDonnell, the Chairman, and CEO of Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company late last year. She talked about her role as a female business leader and the female entrepreneurs her company helps fund through the Alliance of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) Ventures.

What makes a CEO of a 170-year old company an entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurship is not about the number of years you’ve been in business—it is a frame of mind. It’s why people came up with the term intrapreneur.

Entrepreneurship is a way of being in constant evolution and invention. McDonnell, whose firm in 2017 won an EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® award for regional transformation, fits this definition.

There are many things that Penn Mutual has done in the area of transformation, including:

  • Technology – They have digitized their business and entirely overhauled workflow, including the introduction of AI into underwriting. Their current oldest policyholder bought their policy in 1929, so they’ve had far more challenges than most companies in bringing their heritage and client base into the technology age.
  • Human capital development – The average age of a financial advisor in the U.S. is 58, while the average worker is 37. That’s a big gap in terms of relatability, and it shows a void in the pipeline of fresh talent in financial services. Penn Mutual is focused on the youth and among other things has begun sponsoring collegiate rugby, and raising visibility among college-aged talent at a grass-roots level to create a sustainable talent pipeline.
  • Emphasis on women’s leadership and funding women entrepreneurs – Penn Mutual has a board with strong female representation on it, and the company has made the Alliance of Women Entrepreneurs Venture fund a strategic initiative.

Women with experience in everything make great entrepreneurs

McDonnell has had an amazing career doing absolutely everything—an indicator in my book of someone that makes a great entrepreneur.

She got her undergraduate in math and computer science and her MBA in finance. She worked in tech and insurance, before moving from the technical side of the business in distribution into sales management and marketing. She rose to the executive ranks, eventually became president of Northeast Financial Group, then owned by MetLife.

And then, life caught up with McDonnell. She had been so busy with her work life, she forgot about the rest of her life. And so, she changed that, took time off and flew to Russia to adopt a daughter as a single parent.

Eventually, now a mother and a more complete person, McDonnell found herself back in the swing of things this time in the halls of academia as the State Farm Chair for Women’s Entrepreneurship at The American College of Financial Services.

And then, something interesting happened that would help McDonnell use her experience and connections to make things different for a whole slew of women business figures.

Forward-looking men hire forward-looking, upwardly mobile women

Penn Mutual CEO, Bob Chapel, was looking for a new CMO. He had someone reach out to local colleges for referrals, and McDonnell provided Penn Mutual with the names of 3 good candidates. Chapel liked the three candidates but wanted to know who offered up the names. He said, ‘I want to talk to herabout the position.’

After a lot of straight talk about her rebalanced priorities, and the critical need to be a mystery reader at her daughter’s school from time to time, Chapel won her over, and she became the CMO. Most importantly, on her terms. McDonnell says, ‘you have to ask for what you want rather than wish you had asked.’

During her tenure as CMO, she overhauled many operations and was a part of the transformation that put Penn Mutual on EY’s radar as a transformative company.

And then, before you know it, McDonnell herself was the CEO of the company. And she wasn’t the only female mover and shaker influencing the company, Penn Mutual’s board is 42% female, almost unheard of in any industry.

Funding women entrepreneurs is a serious cause for Penn Mutual

McDonnell spoke with pride about Penn Mutual’s role as the Platinum sponsor and one of the founding partners of the AWE Venture fund. AWE provides opportunities for women founders in technology to network, develop their ideas and achieve funding.

AWE helps better educate women on business plans, business cases and how to become a ‘full-blown business person.’

An offering that AWE provides to its members is a business valuation tool from partner company BIZEquity. One of the primary concerns for AWE members, even the more seasoned ones, is knowing where they stand when they need to collateralize, bring on investor partners, or sell. The BIZEquity tool provides an easy way to calculate equity with one of their advisors.

Penn Mutual has always built its business on individuals and small companies, and so the focus on AWE entrepreneurs aligns perfectly and seeks to help those small companies become tomorrow’s big ones.

After all that transformation work, it’s hard to imagine what Penn Mutual can do to top their performance in 2017.

No doubt they will be working on that financial services age gap for some time. Thanks to their efforts in their own business and with AWE, as they close the age gap, the gender gap will be closed too.

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