Philadelphia Saint Patrick’s Day Observance Association’s 2019 Parade Awards Ceremony
Wednesday, April 17, 2019, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Commodore Barry Irish Center
All are welcome to attend Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade Awards Ceremony where award winners of the parade will be celebrated and the winner of the Trip for 2 to Ireland will be announced.
Music by: Vince Gallagher, Robbie Furlong & Lefty Kelly
Buffet, Beer, Wine and Soda
Tickets: Adults: $30.00 – Children: Under 18: $10.00 – Tickets available at the door
All CHILDREN’S dance schools that won a parade award get 2 free ADULT tickets and
8 FREE CHILDRENS TICKETS and you are welcome to bring your other dancers.
ALL non children’s dance groups that won a parade award get 2 free ADULT tickets
and you are welcome to bring anyone else.