Safeguarding Higher Education
Higher education, and life, will now be forever seen through the eyes of “before COVID-19 and after.” Students-first leaders must face this crisis with unflinching agility and resolve. There is no accidental success. Every institution needs to know and document what separates them from other universities – the physical, programmatic, technological, diversity, and other attributes that make their institution and its mission so unique – and imagine what the next year or two would ideally look like.
Apogee has studied 600 strategic plans from colleges and universities around the country. This webinar will explore the stunning insights and findings from this study, which reveals that smaller institutions -those with less than 5000 enrollment – aren’t engaging in strategic planning as often or as robustly as larger institutions, leaving them in potentially uncompetitive and vulnerable positions. Technology underpins many of the strategic initiatives such as Student Outcomes, Pedagogy, Student Life, and Planning and Governance, yet institutions aren’t investing in technology intentionally or strategically. Smaller institutions tend to pursue initiatives outside of core areas, which Apogee found resulted in opportunity costs that have likely impacted them financially during the COVID-19 crisis.
Together, we’ll take a hard look at the data and provide higher ed leaders with recommendations and actions they can take now to shore up their strategic plans to safeguard their institution during and after the crisis.
Jeanne Frawley, Director of Business Development
Rajiv Shenoy, Chief Technology Officer
Moderated by Gene McWilliams, CFO/Vice President for Finance and Administration at Neumann University
Click HERE to download the presentation; click HERE for a recording of the webinar.
11.00 am – 12.00 pm: Keynote presentation; Question & Answer session
Webinar – link will be sent upon registration.
Contact Alanna Barry McCloskey at abarry@iabcn.org or call/text 215.772.3101
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