Conrad O’Brien was again recognized as one of the Best Law Firms for Female Attorneys as ranked by Law360’s 2019 Glass Ceiling Report. The firm was ranked a top 10 firm for women representation among firms with 20 to 49 lawyers.
At Conrad O’Brien over forty percent of the attorney workforce is women. This number is above the average law firm where, according to Law360’s report, women make up approximately 36.3% of the attorney workforce.
Conrad O’Brien is proud that we are again recognized as one of the firms contributing to the progress of increasing female representation at all levels, from associate to partner. The firm has been recognized by Law360 as a best firm for female attorneys since the first Glass Ceiling report in 2016.
For the rankings, Law360 grouped firms based on U.S. attorney headcount to compare them with similarly sized firms. Firms that had below-average female representation at any level were excluded. The remaining firms are ranked by their percentage of female nonpartners and partners. The firms recognized by Law360 “are demonstrating that the industry’s gender diversity goals can turn into a measurable result, and boost the number of women at all levels of a law firm.”