“Remembering The 27 Crusaders” is a feature length documentary film recounting the lives, military service and deaths of 27 American soldiers who served in Vietnam that graduated from Father Judge High School in The North East section of Philadelphia during The Vietnam War.
Father Judge High School suffered more fatalities in Vietnam than any other Catholic High School in America. The film explores the lives and deaths of The Father Judge students who perished during the war, the communities/parishes where they grew up, the prevalent sense of duty, honor and patriotism in these communities, their time spent and values instilled at Father Judge, their service in Vietnam, the devastating impact of their deaths on their families and communities and the difficult process of mourning, healing and acknowledgement of their heroism. The films narrative is driven by interviews with family, friends, classmates, father judge staff, brothers in arms and military.
“Remember The 27 Crusaders” DVD purchase link and new trailer:
To purchase the DVD:https://irishamericanfilmspurchase.com/shop?olsPage=products
New Trailer Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzsgAsh2Qzw&feature=youtu.be
Order by December 1st ensures delivery by around December 15th.
Press Coverage:
Fox TV Coverage: http://www.fox29.com/news/man-pays-tribute-to-27-school-mates-killed-in-vietnam-war
Philly.com feature: http://www2.philly.com/philly/news/pennsylvania/philadelphia/father-judge-high-school-philly-grads-killed-vietnam-documentary-20180626.html
CatholicPhilly.com: First trailer link for “Remember The 27 Crusaders” Film about The 27 Graduates of Father Judge High School that died during The Vietnam War. https://tinyurl.com/y9s985pv
The Delaware County Times: http://www.delcotimes.com/article/DC/20180819/NEWS/180819704
The Northeast Times: https://northeasttimes.com/remembering-the-fallen-7daa8abaece2